Macaroni Update

The virtues of macaroni as a non-perishable, adapable, easy-to-cook foodstuff are well-known.Whatever happens to be laying around in your refrigerator can probably be combined with it into something interesting. I recently felt the urge to use up a butt of exquisite Canadian smoked ham, and came across this recipe in my search through the cookbook library.

1 lb pearl onions (or 1 lb onions coarsley chopped)
2 tbls butter
1 clove
1 inch cinammon stick
handful of raisins
1 cup heavy cream
1 heaped cup chopped ham
1 lb green fusilli

Blanch and peal the onions. Melt the butter in a pan and add the onions, clove, cinnamon and salt and pepper. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes, shaking the pan from time to time. Stir in the raisons, cream, and ham, and continue simmering, stirring occasionally.
Meanwhile, cook the fusilli. Drain it, pour the pasta into the ham-and-onion sauce, remove the cinnamon stick if you can find it, and serve

If carbs don't sound appealing, here is a simple concoction that somehow hits the spot every time.

olive oil
1 lb chopped ham
1 lb shrimp
8 oz mushrooms
2-4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (or to taste)

Heat a few tablespoons of oil in a large skillet, add garlic and ham, and heat thoroughly, stirring occasionally. Add the mushrooms and shrimp, and a little more oil if necessary. When everything is cooked and a sauce has developed in the bottom of the pan, serve in bowls accompanied by slices of good bread for sopping.